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Sunday, February 18, 2018



There are many themes and messages in the movie Black Panther.

The movie has a theme of BLACK LOVE,




We, as Black people, are links in a million year-old chain. Our connections are unquestionable and unbroken. There isn't anything or anyone that can destroy our bond. Slavery-failed. Jim Crow-failed. Crack cocaine-failed. Integration-failed. We are still here, getting stronger each and everyday. Feel our ancestors inside your soul.

We, Black people, are still here.

*Vanessa Brantley, February 18, 2018, “Why I Give The Movie Black Panther An A+",” Volume 12, Blog 1c [vol. 12, 1a-1c].

Wednesday, February 7, 2018



So many of our heroes have gone on to glory.  Growing up, countless numbers of African-American women and men fought the good fight to ensure the rights of Black people throughout the diaspora.  From Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., Martin Luther King, Jr. and the King family to Jesse Jackson, I had the privilege of watching and learning from the many soldiers of the Civil Rights Movement [Movement].

I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, so being brave enough to speak up and step up to fight the continued fight against the oppression of Black people was as normal as having a glass of iced cold sweet tea on a 90-degree day.
In the South, we were taught to be courageous.
Almost all of my family and close friends either knew someone directly involved in the Movement or they were involved themselves.  My mother taught at a predominantly Black high school for years where she was known to be a champion of the students.  Later, she served on the board of directors of the Atlanta NAACP.  My father was a fairly well-known businessman, which often placed him in the position to be a champion of Blacks in the business arena. 

My Mother: Mrs. Baby Ruth Brantley

My Father: Mr. Terry Brantley, Jr.

I had been influenced at an early age and encouraged to get involved in the Movement, so I was groomed by my parents, their friends and later my chosen mentors.  My greatest two mentors are now deceased, but I will be forever grateful for their training and direction. 
My greatest two mentors were as follows: 

Jondelle Johnson 
Director of the Atlanta NAACP and later
Director of the National NAACP

and the 
Reverend Dr. James Orange.
Pastor and Activist in the Civil Rights Movement then later
Activist and Youth Coordinator at the M.L. King, Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change

They were my guides and stewards through the transitional period of African-American life in Atlanta, Georgia in the 1980s.  No two heroes were better equipped to lead me through the minefield of the post-1960s South.
Strangely though, I did have one other hero who is still living today.  I have never met him nor have I ever spoken to him.  In fact, it has been a one-sided mentorship.  He doesn’t even know I exist.
His name is the Reverend Al Sharpton [Rev Al].

To know of his life, you can easily research his background through the internet or any conventional means.  I cannot offer you any such information.  This blog is dedicated to him for all that he has represented for me, not just because of his numerous accomplishments.  I dedicate this blog to him because he has been a true inspiration to me. 
I respect Rev Al.  I admire Rev Al.  I could not imagine African-American life in America without Rev. Al.
I wanted to give him the written acknowledgement he deserves.  I want him to know that I am thankful to him for speaking out when I was unable to speak out.  I want to thank him for marching when I was unable to march.  I want to thank him for recognizing racism when I was unable to see it.  And I want to thank him for dedicating his life to fighting against the injustices of man, especially those injustices perpetrated against African-Americans.
Thank you Reverend Al Sharpton.  Happy Black History Month.

*Vanessa Brantley, February 8, 2018, “My Champions of African-American Rights,” Volume 12, Blog 1b [vol. 12, 1a-1c].



Yes, I mean every word of the title of this post. I always knew his name. I even slightly recall that he was considered a great man. And I slightly recalled learning about him in high school. However, at this age, I could not exactly recall the details of why I should give him all praise and honor.
Until tonight after seeing the movie, The DARKEST HOUR, I had almost forgotten the man who saved the world from Hitler. We, the free people in the modern world in 2018, owe Winston Churchill the biggest debt of gratitude no man, woman or child can ever ignore or deny. For if Winston Churchill had not listened to his heart, mind, and British citizenry, then we would not exist under the global banner of democracy and freedom for all.
It was not America who actually stood up to Adolph Hitler. Never forget that an American named Jesse Owens had to run in front of Adolph Hitler during the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Hitler was actually allowed to host the Olympic Games by the world community. Even with his unspeakable beliefs and crimes against humanity, never forget that Hitler was respected by the world and permitted to host the Olympics.
MOST world leaders had succumb to Hitler's power and beliefs. Yes, even America had not tried to stop him. We, America, did not get involved until we were bombed by the Japanese in 1942. A DECADE LATER.
It was WINSTON CHURCHILL, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, who said, "NO" on a continuous basis to the communist dictator. If Prime Minister Churchill had negotiated and accepted the possible terms of having a swastika-symbol Nazi flag flying over Buckingham Palace, then none of us would likely be here today. Even try to imagine our nation's White House with a Nazi flag. Can you? Do you truly understand this image could have been our reality?? Without Winston Churchill, where do you think Black Americans were going? What do you think Adolph Hitler would have done to us--Black People?? And, we definitely would NOT be on the verge of celebrating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
So before you start celebrating and forgetting, I encourage you to see the movie and read the speeches of Sir Winston Churchill. WE MUST PAY HOMAGE TO THIS GREAT HUMAN-BEING.

One of my favorite excerpts from his 1941 speech to the Joint U.S. Congress is below:
"I should like to say first of all how much I have been impressed and encouraged by the breadth of view and sense of proportion which I have found in all quarters over here to which I have had access. Anyone who did not understand the size and solidarity of the foundations of the United States, might easily have expected to find an excited, disturbed, self-cantered atmosphere, with all minds fixed upon the novel, startling, and painful episodes of sudden war as they hit America. After all, the United States have been attacked and set upon by three most powerfully armed dictator states, the greatest military power in Europe, the greatest military power in Asia-Japan, Germany and Italy have all declared and are making war upon you, and the quarrel is opened which can only end in their overthrow or yours.
But here in Washington in these memorable days I have found an Olympian fortitude which, far from being based upon complacency, is only the mask of an inflexible purpose and the proof of a sure, well-grounded confidence in the final outcome. We in Britain had the same feeling in our darkest days. We too were sure that in the end all would be well.
You do not, I am certain, underrate the severity of the ordeal to which you and we have still to be subjected. The forces ranged against us are enormous. They are bitter, they are ruthless. The wicked men and their factions, who have launched their peoples on the path of war and conquest, know that they will be called to terrible account if they cannot beat down by force of arms the peoples they have assailed. They will stop at nothing. They have a vast accumulation of war weapons of all kinds. They have highly trained and disciplined armies, navies and air services. They have plans and designs which have long been contrived and matured. They will stop at nothing that violence or treachery can suggest."

In other words, if Adolph Hitler had won, there most certainly might not have been a you, me or Facebook. Think about it, especially during BLACK HISTORY MONTH.

*Vanessa Brantley, February 8, 2018, Sir Winston Churchill, we owe you our lives!, Volume 12, Blog 1a [vol. 12, 1a-1c].